FORUM HRD INDONESIA – PT Hitachi Astemo Bekasi Powertrain Systems merupakan sebuah perusahaan manufaktur yang fokus bisnisnya adalah pada bidang produksi komponen otomotif.
PT Hitachi Astemo Bekasi Powertrain Systems sebelumnya dikenal sebagai PT Keihin Indonesia yang juga memproduksi dan memasok komponen otomotif untuk perusahaan-perusahaan perakitan kendaraan ternama.
Pada Januari 2021, Hitachi Automotive Systems, Keihin, Showa, dan Nissin Kogyo menyelesaikan merger bisnis dan memulai perjalanan mereka sebagai mega-pemasok global sebagai “Hitachi Astemo”.
Saat ini PT Hitachi Astemo Bekasi Powertrain Systems sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk beberapa posisi yang nantinya akan ditempatkan di pabriknya.
Berikut ini informasi mengenai posisi yang sedang dibuka, kualifikasi pelamar, dan tatacara melamar loker PT Hitachi Astemo Bekasi Powertrain Systems tersebut.
Lowongan Kerja PT Hitachi Astemo Bekasi Powertrain Systems Priode September 2021
- Operator Die Maintenance
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
- Melakukan tindakan preventif dan perawatan mesin dies alumunium dan dies molding
- Mempersiapkan peralatan untuk preventif dies
- Melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan standar operasional yang ada
Kualifikasi :
- Usia maksimal 23 tahun
- Memiliki pengalaman Die Casting / Die Mente
- Minimal pendidikan SMA seluruh jurusan
- Fasih berbahasa jepang min N3
- Hardworking, communicative, dan memahami HORENSO
- Staff Produksi ECU
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
- Melakukan kontrol manpower dan overtime daily serta monthly
- Membuat report cost dan manpower
- Kontrol budget tahunan dept
Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan
- Usia maksima 28 tahun
- Berpengalaman sebagai staff produksi lebih disukai dengan pengalaman administrasi maksimal 3 tahun
- Fasih berbahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
- Fasih berbahasa jepang lebih disukai
- Mahir mengoperasikan komputer
- Hardworking, communicative, dan multitasking
- Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Assembly Section Leader
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
- Monitoring and ensuring operator can achieve the target and working following safety standard
- Checking and giving approval of production daily report anad making 5W1H abnormality
- Setting the resource to minimalize reject, decreasing reject, and improving productivity according to company target
- Setting shift in order to funcion optimally
- Checking and reviewing line condition (machine and production) based on report and checksheet made by operator and admin
- Receiving plan production and socialize to operator of each shift
- Making weekly, monthly, and anual report to Dept/Div Head about all activity in Assembly Dept.
Kualifikasi :
- Have experience in Assembly minimum 3 years in Japanese manufacturing company (automotive)
- Have a bachelor from any degree
- Maximum age of 40
- Proficient in English both oral and written
- Proficient in Japanese both oral and written with minimum JLPT N3
- Proficient using Microsoft Office
- Good communication skill and strong leadership
- Good analytical thinking, discipline, and have high endurance
- Willing to be placed in Cibitung (MM2100 Industrial Estate)
- Section Leader Machining
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
- Monitoring and ensuring operator can achieve the target and work according to safety standard in machining
- Checking and giving approval to production daily report and making 5W1H abnormality
- Setting the resource to minimalize reject, decreasing reject and improving productivity according to company target
- Setting shift in order to function optimally
- Checking and reviewing line condition (machine and produuction) based on report and checksheet made by operator and admin
- Receiving plan production and socialize to operator each shift
- making weekly, monthly, and anual report to Dept/Div Head about all activity in MC THB & Spool Valve
Kualifikasi :
- Minimum education is Senior High / Diploma / Bachelor all major
- Maximum age is 40
- Experienced in manufacture industry minimum 3 years
- Proficient in English (both oral & written)
- Proficient in Japanese (minimum JLPT N3)
- Proficient using Ms Office
- Discipline, can work under pressure, and have strong leadership
- Communicative with good analytical thinking
- Willing to work shift and overtime
- Willing to be placed in Cibitung / Cikampek
- Section Leader Die Casting
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
- Monitoring and ensuring operator can achieve the target and work according to safety standard in machining
- Checking and giving approval to production daily report and making 5W1H abnormality
- Setting the resource to minimalize reject, decreasing reject and improving productivity according to company target
- Setting shift in order to function optimally
- Checking and reviewing line condition (machine and produuction) based on report and checksheet made by operator and admin
- Receiving plan production and socialize to operator each shift
- making weekly, monthly, and anual report to Dept/Div Head about all activity in Die Casting
Kualifikasi :
- Minimum education is Senior High / Diploma / Bachelor all major
- Maximum age is 40
- Experienced in manufacture industry minimum 3 years
- Proficient in English (both oral & written)
- Proficient in Japanese (minimum JLPT N3)
- Proficient using Microsoft Office
- Discipline, can work under pressure, and have strong leadership
- Communicative with good analytical thinking
- Willing to work shift and overtime
- Willing to be placed in Cibitung / Cikampek
Jika sobat forumhrdindonesia berminat dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan kerja tersebut, apply lamaran via online di portal Jobstreet berikut :
Batas apply lamaran 29 September 2021
Alamat PT Hitachi Astemo Bekasi Powertrain Systems
Kawasan Industri MM 2100 Blok JJ No. 1,
Jatiwangi, Kec. Cikarang Barat, Kab. Bekasi 17520
Dislaimer : Melamar Pekerjaan di Situs Resmi Tidak di Pungut Biaya Apapun