Lowongan kerja Rans Entertainment Priode September 2021

FORUM HRD INDONESIA – Rans Entertainment merupakan merupakan kanal/saluran YouTube dan rumah produksi yang dibentuk Raffi Ahmad dan Nagita Slavina yang saat ini telah berkembang ke berbagai platform media sosial.

Rans Entertainment didirikan pada tanggal 27 Desember 2015. Pada awalnya hanya berisi konten tentang diskusi make up dan hanya ingin mengabadikan momen bersama keluarga.

Namum kini RANS Entertainment telah berkembang menjadi sebuah rumah produksi yang berfokus memuat konten di platform media sosial, event offline, agensi digital dan telah bekerjasama dengan brand-brand besar.

Saat ini Rans Entertainment sedang membuka peluang karir untuk beberapa posisi, berikut ini informasi mengenai posisi yang dibuka, kualifikasi pelamar, dan tatacara melamar loker Rans Entertainment tersebut.

Lowongan kerja Rans Entertainment Priode September 2021

  1. HR Comben Officer

Kualifikasi :

  • Max 27 years old
  • Minimal bachelor degree
  • Understand the Payroll process – payroll transfer process
  • Understand the calculation of BPJS TK and BPJS Kes
  • Able to calculate pph 21 (income tax)
  • Understand the HRIS process flow (preffered)
  • Have the ability to administer employee’s attendances + leaves
  • Understand the THR / religious holiday allowance calculation (full, prorate contract employees resign, prorate permanent employees resign, prorate new employees)
  • Understand the annual SPT 1721-A1
  1. Concept Artist

Kualifikasi :

  • Create stunning concept art with an emphasis on environment and props
  • The ability to support and implement the vision of the producers, while considering the constraints of art style and technical possibilities
  • Comfortable receiving or giving critiques
  • Provide initial ideas rapidly with rough illustrations and thumbnails
  • Create polished concept art that can be used for promotional material
  • Ability to communicate with producers and project managers to meet deadlines Skills & Requirements
  • Excellent understanding and execution of art fundamentals (atmospheric, perspective, color, and lighting)
  • Demonstrate skills and abilities through a diverse portfolio
  • Proficiency in the use of industry-standard software
  • Excellent communication skills
  1. Script Editor

Kualifikasi :

  • Must have astounding and exceptional writing skills
  • Wide knowledge of diversified industries and latest technology
  • Solid written and verbal communication skills
  • Must have creative and a thoughtful mind
  • Must be able to write a script and create plot for the video
  • Must be able to proofread a document/copy for correct punctuation, grammar and spellings
  • Must be able to deliver tasks in tight deadlines
  • Minimun 3 years writers experience job

Jika sobat forum hrd indonesia berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi lowongan kerja RANS Entertainment tersebut, kirim Cover Letter, CV dan Portofolio ke web berikut :

Website Rekrutmen RANS Entertainment

Batas apply lamaran 15 September 2021

Alamat RANS Entertainment

Jl. Green Andara Residences Blok B3 No. 19,
Pangkalan Jati Baru, Cinere, Depok, Jawa Barat

Disclaimer : Melamar Pekerjaan di Situs Resmi Forumhrdindonesia.com Tidak di Pungut Biaya Apapun

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