Lowongan PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS 7) Terbaru 2022 – Jika Kalian Sedang Mencari Informasi Lowongan Kerja Saat ini PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS 7) Sedang Membuka Kesempatan Karir Kontrak, Kualifikasi Tertera di bawah ini. Sebelum Melamar Pastikan Kalian Sudah Membaca Syarat dan Ketentuan Pada Lowongan Agar Peluang di Terima Kerja Lebih Besar
Profil Singkat Perusahaan
FORUM HRD INDONESIA – Trans7 (sebelumnya bernama TV7) adalah sebuah stasiun televisi swasta nasional di Indonesia. Trans7 yang pada awalnya menggunakan nama TV7, melakukan siaran perdananya secara terestrial di Jakarta pada 23 November 2001 dan pada saat itulah mayoritas sahamnya dimiliki oleh Kompas Gramedia. Pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2006, Trans Corp mengakuisisi mayoritas saham TV7. Meski sejak itulah TV7 dan Trans TV resmi bergabung, namun ternyata TV7 masih dimiliki oleh Kompas Gramedia, sampai TV7 akhirnya melakukan re-launch (peluncuran ulang) pada 15 Desember 2006 dan menggunakan nama baru, yaitu Trans7.
Saat ini PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS 7) Kembali Membuka Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru Pada Bulan Febuari 2022. Adapun dibawah ini Adalah Posisi dan Jabatan Yang Saat ini Tersedia Bagi Anda Para Pencari Kerja Yang Tertarik Untuk Mengembangkan Karir Anda Bersama PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS 7) Dengan Kualifikasi Sebagai Berikut.

PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS 7) Membuka 18 Posisi Lowongan Kerja Untuk Lulusan Diploma/Sarjana Terbaru
- Accounting
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree from Accounting.
- Min. 2 years experience in the same field.
- Have Brevet Tax Certification is an advantage.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast-paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal skill.
- Convergency
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree from any major.
- Hands-on ecperience with Microsoft Office applications.
- Having knowledge about Marketing Concept.
- Able to bring creative ideas.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment.
- Creative
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Broadcast or Communication.
- Min 1 year experience in TV Production or related area
- Able to bring creative ideas to live on screen
- Excellent written & verbal communication skills
- Must be a self-starter that enjoys working collaboratively
- Able to work to tight deadlines
- Event Off Air
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Communication.
- Highly interested to handle off air event.
- Eager to tackle new ideas.
- Assertive, Energetic, Having ability to work in fast paced environment, Having Good Interpersonal and Communication Skills.
- Fashion Stylist
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major.
- Experience in fashion styling minimal 2 years.
- Having good knowledge of fashion trends, good color, and design sense.
- Creative and having good communication skills to present ideas and concepts.
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic.
- Information Technology
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from Information Technology
- Min. GPA 3.00.
- Have a good skill in IT programming, network, hardware, or front end.
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment.
- Have an experience min. 1 year in the same field.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Make Up
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree from any major.
- Having good knowledge of hairdressing and makeup artistry.
- Preferably have some experiences as a makeup artist or hair stylist.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Able to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic.
- Mechanical Eletrical
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from Electrical Engineering
- Min. GPA 3.00.
- Having knowledge about mechanical system maintenance.
- Willing to work in shifts.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast-paced environment.
- Motion Graphic
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major
- Min. GPA 3.00.
- Have a good skill in Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Cinema 4D or 3D Max.
- Have an experince min. 1 year in the same field.
- Willing to work in shifts.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
- On Air Presentation
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree from any major, preferably from Engineering.
- Min GPA 3.00.
- Good communication skill, initiative, have good analysis skill, and able to work in a team.
- Willing to work in shift.
- Assertive, energetic, Having Ability to work in fast paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal and Communication Skills.
- Program Development & Creative
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Communication or Broadcast
- Min GPA 3.00.
- Strong analytical thinking and passion in research.
- Interested in interpreting data and observing TV programs.
- Having good interpersonal and Communication Skill.
- QN. Market Research
Requirements :
- Bachelor degree from any majors, preferably from Science or Statistic.
- Min. GPA 3.00.
- Have an experience in research is an advantage.
- Have good analytical thinking and passion in research.
- Having good interpersonal and communicarion skills.
- Quality Control
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree from any majors, preferably from Industrial Engineering
- Min GPA 3.00.
- Willing to work in shifts.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skill.
- Reporter
Requirements :
- Bachelor degree from any major.
- Highly interested in journalism and proficient in English.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic.
- Secretary
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree from any major, min. GPA 3.00.
- Hands-on experience with Microsot Office applications.
- Able to work in fast environment.
- Having experience as a secretary min. 1 year.
- Assertive, and have good communication skill.
- Social Media
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Communication.
- Min. GPA 3.00.
- Hands-on experience with Social Media campaign.
- Interest in social media activity.
- Energetic & eagar to tackle new ideas.
- Having good interpersonal and Communication Skills.
- Training
Requirements :
- Bachelor degree from any majors.
- Min. GPA 3.00.
- Having passion for people development.
- Have an experince min. 2 years in training and development is an advatage.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast-paced environment.
- Having Good Interpersonal and Communication Skills.
- Wardrobe
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree from any major.
- Excellent knowledge of fashion trends, color schemes, mood board, and designer labels.
- Interested in fashion styling.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic.
Apabila Anda Berminat dan Memenuhi Kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja PT. Duta Visual Nusantara (Trans7) Tersebut, Silahkan Apply Lamaran Anda Melalui Website Trans7 dibawah ini :
Melamar Kerja PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS 7) Via Website
Yuk daftarkan diri Anda & bergabung bersama kami!
Note :Â Proses penerimaan karyawan baru PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS 7) GRATIS! Tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Proses pemanggilan kandidat dihubungi langsung oleh pihak perusahaan. Tes tulis dan interview dilakukan langsung oleh perusahaan.
Lowongan kerja terbuka sampai kuota terpenuhi, daftarkan dirimu secepatnya. Pastikan dirimu sesuai dengan kriteria, karena hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil ke tahap berikutnya.
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