Lowongan Kerja PT Nissin Foods Indonesia – Jika Kalian Sedang Mencari Informasi Lowongan Kerja Saat ini PT Nissin Foods Indonesia Sedang Membuka Kesempatan Karir Kontrak, Kualifikasi Tertera di bawah ini. Sebelum Melamar Pastikan Kalian Sudah Membaca Syarat dan Ketentuan Pada Lowongan Agar Peluang di Terima Kerja Lebih Besar
Profil Singkat Perusahaan
PT Nissin Foods Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan bergerak di bidang industri makanan dengan produk utama mie instan (Nissin Food).
PT Nissin Foods Indonesia berdiri pada tahun 1992 di Kawasan Industri Jababeka Cikarang – Bekasi.
Saat ini PT Nissin Foods Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai yang siap untuk bergabung sebagai karyawan perusahaan. Website Forumhrdindonesia.com didirikan dengan maksud untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada para pencari kerja diseluruh Indonesia, update setiap hari.
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir Anda bersama PT Nissin Foods Indonesia dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.

Lowongan Kerja PT Nissin Foods Indonesia
Posisi : Accounting Staff
Requirements :
- Female, 22 – 27 years old
- Having Diploma/Bachelor degree in Accounting
- Having minimum 1 year experience in accounting field
- Able to communicate in English
- Able to operate Ms. Excel
- Experienced in handling account receivable and payable, tax reporting, invoicing, payment expense and other administration
- Able to work in a team as well as individually, well-organized person and good at time management
- Willing to work in Cikarang
Posisi : GA Staff
Requirements :
- Maximum age 31 years old
- Having Diploma or Bachelor Degree any major
- Having experience as GA Staff or fresh graduate are welcome
- Having knowledge about handling petty cash, invoice, payable voucher and document
- Familiar with ERP payment system
- Good in Ms. Excel
- Able to communicate in English
- Having good in personal communication
- Willing to work in Cikarang
Posisi : Legal Supervisor
Requirements :
- Having Bachelor degree in Law
- Maximum age 35 years old
- Having at least 1 year as Legal Supervisor or 3 years as Legal Officer, preferably in FMCG Industry
- Good in English, both oral and written
- Experienced in handling corporate, license and compliance and good knowledge of corporate law and labour law
- Having good legal analysis, critical thinking and initiative
- Able to work in a team as well as individually, well-organized person and good at time management
- Having a professional advocate license from PERADI will be an advantage
- Willing to work in Cikarang
Posisi : National Key Account Supervisor
Requirements :
- Male , max 37 years old
- Having minimum Bachelor Degree
- Minimum 2 years experiences at FMCG product (not from noodle/competitor).
- Experienced handling National Key Account (Indomaret/Alfamart)
- Able to communicate in English
- Good at interpersonal and communication
- Able to work with Powerpoint and Excel
- Having a driving license A and C
Posisi : QA Staff
Requirements :
- Age max 30 yo
- Bachelor Degree in related field
- Having minimum 1 year experience as QA for ISO 22000
- Having knowledge about MD number registration and Halal certificate process
- Having experience to control ISO document
- Able to communicate in English
- Good in personal communication
- Willing to work in Cikarang
Posisi : QC Field
Requirements :
- Umur maks 30 tahun
- SMK Analis Kimia
- Mempunyai pengalaman lebih diutamakan
- Kemampuan: POV, AV, Mikrobiologi, Kadar Air, Kadar Garam
- Baik dalam berkomunikasi
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Cikarang
Posisi : Staff PPIC
Requirements :
- Male or Female
- Age max 30 yo
- Min Diploma in any major
- Min 1 year experience in same position
- Able to operate Ms Excel
- Good in data processing and analysis
- Good in communication
- Willing to work in Cikarang
Posisi : Supply Chain Analyst
Requirements :
- Having Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering.
- Maximum age 27 years old.
- Having at least 0-3 years as SCM or PPIC Staff. Fresh graduates are also welcome to apply.
- Having basic knowledge about supply chain management, warehousing, logistics, and manufacturing operations.
- Having good quantitative analysis, critical thinking, interpersonal communication, problem-solving, and initiative.
- Good in data processing and analysis using Microsoft Excel.
- Good in English, both oral and written.
- Able to work in a team as well as individually, well-organized person, and good at time management.
Job descriptions :
- Monitor & collect data on current operations, including scheduling, sourcing, warehousing, production, delivery.
- Analyze data to determine areas for performance improvement.
- Investigate pain points within the process and develop solutions to resolve conflicts and inefficiencies.
- Gather data on each step within the supply chain, using it to recommend changes to reduce costs.
- Communicate with other departments within the organization to identify efficiency issues.
- Communicate with other departments within the organization to develop solutions and implement changes.
- Create performance reports for management to review.
Tata cara melamar kerja di PT Nissin Foods Indonesia.
Apabila anda memenuhi kualifikasi/persyaratan Lowongan Kerja PT Nissin Foods Indonesia di atas, silahkan kirim CV Lamaran terbaru anda via email berikut.
Melamar Kerja PT Nissin Foods Indonesia Via Email
Subject : Posisi yang dilamar
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Note: Mohon untuk tidak SPAM Lamaran ke email perusahaan
Proses Rekrutment PT Nissin Foods Indonesia tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Alamat PT Nissin Foods Indonesia
Kawasan Industri Jababeka
Jl. Jababeka Blok N-1
Cikarang Utara, Bekasi 17530
Lowongan kerja terbuka sampai kuota terpenuhi, daftarkan dirimu secepatnya. Pastikan dirimu sesuai dengan kriteria, karena hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil ke tahap berikutnya.
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